
Friday, May 19, 2006

A Slow Day at the show

Ultimate Emerald Bracelet
Uploaded and Created by
Jewel Street Designs

Last week I had a craft show, not a raging success, but it had potential. The day was long and slow. The other vendors were all very friendly and interested in each other's wares and backgrounds. The staff at the show tried their hardest to make the show draw a crowd, but it wasn't in the cards. It was warmer than expected so everyone was at the beach. The bright side is they offered discounts to the vendors for a larger show that has been around for years and is always popular. The staff also seemed able to find diverse and high quality vendors. As long as the show can draw high quality vendors, I think they will have a great show with a little bit more work. I have another show next week in an area I have found very prosperous. Hopefully, this will prove more fruitful. Visit me at http://jewelstreet.etsy.com to see some of the items that were present at the show.