
Thursday, June 21, 2007

Home Improvement Roundup- Garden Style

Time for another installment of Home Improvement Roundup. This one will be a quicky. Just a little peek into one of the things that I have been doing on my so-called summer vacation.

I have gotten a pedestal sink for my bathroom remodel so that will be coming sometime in the near future, and I stress sometime. Tiling and siding will also be future installments.

The pics are of my new and improved garden. One is a sort of before pic. It is actually the other side, but that is pretty much what it all originally looked like. One pic is what it looks like now, and the other is my new walkway that I am currently adding. Check out the awesome leaf stepping stones I got. The rocks are a great addition to any garden. I like them because they just have a really clean look about them, and they help hold the moisture close to the plants. I have some beautiful pepper plants, lilies, double impatients, a gardenia with the same name as me, musk melons, and some beautiful ornamental sweet potato vines. I'm really quite proud of myself because I have not lost a single plant. Most of the plants are annuals, but it helped to plan out where I wanted plant placement so I can add more perennials next year. I will definitely be adding more vegetables and herbs. Tip on the vegetables and herbs. Just add a few right in with your common flower beds. They really don't take much more care than your regular plants.


stilettoheights said...

looking good aimee!!!

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Great job! I love those leaf garden stones! Very unusual and appropriate. Sound like you will have some really nice color there, too.

Anonymous said...

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Steph said...

You've been working hard in the garden! I love the leaf stones.