
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Play Nice

So, I was watching the news this morning and heard of yet another teenager who has committed suicide because of bullying and name calling. So sad all of these stories this past year. As a parent, I am tired of hearing these stories. It should not be happening, and it has gotten worse. I've even noticed an increase in a lack of manners and just sheer niceness all around from both adults and children. What happened to saying please and thank you? Let alone if you can't say something nice don't say anthing at all...

Well, next week is the official "No Name-Calling Week". I know I am going to participate and my daughter is going to participate. According to their site....

"No Name-Calling Week is an annual week of educational activities aimed at ending name-calling of all kinds and providing schools with the tools and inspiration to launch an on-going dialogue about ways to eliminate bullying in their communities."

It seems this week has become more important than ever. I was a victim of bullying and my daughter also had a bully who tried to choke her when she was in preschool. Yes, I said preschool. Bullying is not a rite of passage. It is an archaic thing that should not happen and only begets more violence.

So, please visit their site, become a Facebook Fan and spread the word however you need to. Let's all work together to end the bullying and name calling.


Gaynor Mann said...

Awesome post and so very relevant!

MmeMagpie said...

Wow. Growing up, we weren't allowed to call each other names or refer to one another in a negative manner. Every violation was a dollar off the allowance. If you ran out of this weeks, Mom would start into next weeks allowance. No exceptions. I still can't call people names.

Kristin Aquariann said...

Oh dearie my, how terrible that your daughter was bullyed so roughly in preschool! *shudder* Great post, I'm on my way to fan that page!!

SToNZ said...

Sad that this is necessary, but thanks for speaking out. I'll check out the links. Thank you so much!!

beadsnbangles said...

Great post. I too am tired of hearing about the suicides due to bullying. I'm definitely going to fan that page.