
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Halloween Ball

Look at what came in the mail
An invitation to a Halloween Ball,

Through the gate we go
Late we shall not be,

The dinner menu has been posted
Take a candle to light your way,

The garden is beautiful in the October night air
The table is set to perfection,

The Halloween fairies are in attendance
See them sparkle and glow at the party's edge,

The disco boogie beat has begun
And everyone is feeling the fever,

As the sweet serenade strains for the stars
A lover waits for her heart's return,

And while the party rages into the night
A moment I need to rest my weary bones.

Welcome to the 2009 Halloween Bash hosted by A Fanciful Twist. Sorry I was so late. I did all this in the rain. Hop on over and check out some of the other partygoers. It's sure to be a wild ride! You can see my last year's post here and some goodies I won and might have noticed in this year's post here.


Pixie said...

Thanks for inviting me to your party! Love your socks.

priscilla cerda said...

Hello my pretties!
Just flying in to see the festivities! Looks like a bloody ol’ time! Off I go with my broom! Vrrrooom! follow me to another party!
yup it'me! wwwweeeehhh!

Melissa said...

What a wonderful party! So creative! I love the photos!

Have a Spooktacular Halloween,

laterg8r said...

love your pics, you weren't late for me - i am working backwards through the list :D

love those tights :D

Rainey J. Dillon said...

Greetings Deary! from ancient Ireland where the Banshees comb their long grey hair in the hope they'll be invited to a Hallowe'en Party like THIS!
You've conjured an enticing Party Post to beguile and keep us stay awhile!

Won't you drop by & enjoy some Tea & Cake & a little Witchy Warlock Movie...put up your stripy legs & leave the broomto de-smoke for a while!

WUGS (Witchy Hugs) & a wish...'May Magic Forever Soar Within Your Little Heart''

Must Fly Deary!



SewPaperPaint said...

Lovely post, wicked feet! Happy haunting!
~ Autumn Clark

Room to Inspire said...

Wonderful photos - simply spooky!


Maria-Thérèse ~ www.afiori.com said...

Where, oh where did you get those socks? I do hope the answer is "online"!

Round photos = excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!

.oOo.☆♥ Maria-Thérèse parties at www.afiori.com ♥☆.oOo.

Sara said...

I also love the socks, lol! What a wonderfully fun party! The rain made it that much more atmospheric. :) ~Cyberdelia

Unknown said...

monster wishes,
mealy monster land

Yarni Gras! said...

terrific post...I love the crow and your witchy sox

Ana Balbinot said...

Thanks for your visit and comment! Happy halloween!

Chrisy said...

oh I did enjoy my boogee! Thank you for your hospitality! Please swing your broom by my place for more treats if you haven't flown in already!

Unknown said...

How fun! Love the socks/tights! Too cute! Thanks for stopping by my party. I enjoyed yours.

Deborah said...

Lovely photo...like the way you set it up. Do stop by and party with Alice and Dead Bob, if you dare! **kisskiss** Deborah

Julie Ranae said...

Better late than never, I say! Glad to have stopped by! Happy Halloween!

Please stop by The Open Window for more party creations


Twyla and Lindsey said...

I am getting around late to some parties so it's okay with me! Thanks for inviting me and all the spooky fun! Have a magical weekend! Twyla

Whisperings 13 said...

What a wonderful party!
Love the "porthole" photos! a peek into your magical world!
Happy hauntings!

Abi said...

Wicked party post - I too love the porthole photos - I love unique :O)

Chickenbells said...

What a fun party you have going on over here...thank you so much for the invitation! Happy Halloween...


Jackie said...

I hope you have a frightfully good Halloween...hApPY hAunTinG!

Karin van Dam said...

You have some lovely happy socks :-) Happy halloween and thanks for inviting us!

Anonymous said...

my broomstick is still winging its way thru blogland. glad you invited us in. had a fun time visiting! your disco spiders are hauntingly cool. have a Happy Haunting HALLOWEEN!

Helen said...

I am a butterfly for Halloween this year .... BOO!

Celestial Charms said...

Lovely Halloween party including your funky socks. They are fab. I also like your beguiling black crow!
Happy Halloween

Decor To Adore said...

Your images are hauntingly bootiful. Have a spooktacular day!

Sueann said...

Happy Halloween!!!! I love your stripey stockings. There are perfect attire for your party!
Thanks for having me.
Stop by my party if you please.

http://afancifultwist.typepad.com said...

Spoooktacular! I love seeing your images in round, it is like looking through a keyhole!!

Bwuahahahaaaaaaaa ~ thank you for being a delightful part of the festivities!!

Anonymous said...

I love disco! Even in the rain;)

Unknown said...

Hi, Wonderful Halloween post! Great Halloween photos! Happy Halloween to you!

queen-of-nostalgia said...

Hope you didn't get the sniffles :(
If you haven't stopped for a visit, hop on your broom and come to my party!


Fotf said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, it's been a great party and from the number of attendees i think it'll be going on a while lol. Happy Halloween :) Nice socks :)

Kathryn Costa said...

I really like how you cropped all of the images. This is a clever way to string them together. I'm a little late making rounds. What a busy weekend!

Thanks for swinging by my blog and leaving a comment.

Have a Happy Halloween!

TesoriTrovati said...

What fun! Thanks for sharing your spooky-ooky inspiration! Love the socks!
I do not have a party this time round but am enjoying the frivolities. Enjoy the day!

Valerie said...

What a fun Halloween party post - gorgeous garden.

Checked out the goodies you had won - some fantastic loot there.

Unknown said...

Sorry I'm so late arriving to your party! IT was super scary fun. Thanks for visiting me.

Claudia said...

Looks like a very fun blog!

I am posting to say hi and sorry I am a wee bit behind... but will post and go read a bit closer to your darling blog.

If you have a moment — I would love you to stop by and say hi! There are some crazy lil witches here that would love you to say hi too! :)

TTFN~~ Claudia ♥ ♥

Heather said...

Love it!! and everyone has such fancy socks!!!

Please stop by my party and giveaway!


Anonymous said...

Hi Aimee! Just wanted to thank you for stoppin by my place and leavin such a nice message including the compliment on cousin mummy;) It means so much to me!Don't forget, tonight I pick the winner and will post on site then contact them. Have a great day and visit again soon:)

Laume said...

Ah, but the rain gives it a nice spooky atmosphere!

Unknown said...

Hi, My post today has the crow pattern and instructions.
Have a sweet day!

Unknown said...

How enchanting and I love the socks!!

Thanks for visiting my blog!!

Debbie said...

What fun! I love the whole idea.

Anonymous said...
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