
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Some Thursday Inspiration

I saw this on a sign the other day and it stuck with me. So for a little inspiration today, here it is. Take it however you want or need to. I know how I'm going to use it.


Gaynor Mann said...

My Sign would have to read, "Start Succeeding"!! :D

jewelstreet said...

Aww, Gaynor! Well change it to Start Succeeding, but it could really mean to keep succeeding in anything.

MmeMagpie said...

I like Keep Succeeding. It implies that you've already done at least one thing right :)

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Great inspiration!

beadsnbangles said...

Great sign and inspiration. Thanks.

2 trick pony said...

it was the week for signs! at least yours is inspirational.

SToNZ said...

thanks for the kick in the pants...

Chris Stone said...

hah. Gaynor stole my comment! lol.